Sustainable support during the challenging time of the COVID-19 pandemic

· As President of MORITA company, family-owned and family-run for over a hundred years, I would like to address you personally in the challenging time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We feel more than ever connected and committed to our customers and we will support you in every respect with the personal commitment of our more than 2,000 employees worldwide and with our outstanding products. One current aspect is to provide the highest possible level of hygiene and asepsis in patient treatment in order to minimize the risk of cross-contamination to the greatest extent possible.

At the same time, we need to keep the big picture in mind. In recent years, dentistry has undergone a metamorphosis from dentistry profession to the medical specialty of oral health. As a quality and innovation leader in areas such as X-ray diagnostics and endodontics, MORITA has decisively supported and driven this development. The invention of the first CBCT unit 3D Accuitomo is just one example of the expertise and pioneering work of MORITA in these fields.

The current crisis also shows how crucial sustainability is "Mottainai" (the Japanese expression for sustainability) is firmly rooted in Japanese Zen culture and is a core value for MORITA. It is one of our main guidelines in the development of innovative products and the efficient use of resources. The overall goal is to provide you with the best possible solutions that make you daily practice easier and sustainably enhance the productivity, workflow and success of your practice.

MORITA's mission statement "Thinking Ahead - Focused on Life" highlights our commitment to these values and goals.

The focus is always on people and the cooperation with you as a valued customer. You can always count on the expertise and help of our experienced management and staff. I would like to thank you very much for your continued support.

My very best to you and your family to master unharmed the COVID-19 pandemic. Stay healthy and keep safe.

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