Replacement of missing mandibular incisors following bone loss due to periodontal disease Provided by Prof. Dr. med. dent. Michael Bornstein and Prof. Dr. med. dent. Daniel Buser, Images taken with the 3D Accuitomo 170

Figure 1

Panoramic view of a 64-year old patient exhibiting generalized bone loss due to periodontal disease including vertical defects in the left maxillary first molar and mandibular incisor area. The patient complained about mobile teeth in the anterior mandible and halitosis.

Figure 2

CBCT analysis and implant treatment planning in the anterior mandibular region following periodontal therapy including extraction of the left maxillary first molar and three mandibular incisors. The 3D images (small FOV: 6 x 6 cm) exhibit sufficient vertical and horizontal bone height for the placement of two dental implants with reduced diameter.

Figure 2A: Coronal CBCT image with both canines laterally to the planned implants

Figure 2B: Sagittal CBCT image for implants in the position of the right and left lateral incisor

Figure 2C: Sagittal CBCT image for implants in the position of the right lateral incisor

Figure 2D: Axial CBCT image at a coronal and apical position

Figure 2E: Axial CBCT image at a coronal position

Figure 2F: Volume rendered data set

Figure 3

Presentation two years after dental implant insertion in the region of the anterior mandible. The missing teeth were restored with a fixed partial denture of three units including pink porcelain to cover the bone and soft tissue loss due to initial periodontal breakdown.

Figure 3A: Panoramic view

Figure 3B: Periapical radiograph

Figure 3C: Clinical aspect

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