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Exposure parameters: 100 kV – 8 mA – 9,4 s – 638 mGycm2, FOV: 10 x 5 cm
Clinical background and issue
The patient said he had had two implants inserted 6 days previously in the side teeth area of the fourth quadrant. Once the anesthetic had worn off, he said he had a feeling of numbness on the right side of his lower lip and on the surface of the skin in that general area. The idea was to carry out DVT to investigate and rule out any injury of the mandibular canal.
Two implants could be seen, inserted at positions 45 and 46. The implant at position 45 is impinging from a cranial and lingual direction into both the mandibular canal on the right side and its branch that rises to the mental foramen, with half the canal lumen blocked. The implant at position 46 is also impinging from a cranial and lingual direction into the right side of the mandibular canal, with half the canal lumen blocked. (Images with the Veraview X800 L P)
Penetration of the roof of the mandibular canal by the implant at positions 45 and 46 and probable direct compression (as a result) of the inferior alveolar nerve tissue on the right side.